Sunday, March 15, 2009

Time for a Hafla!

Okay, I am a little nervous. I am preparing fro my very first dance recital. At my age? Yes - and it is a belly dancing party (aka hafla)! I am a little nervous, but it is all the preparations that go into the halfa that a getting a little crazy. Hair, face, makeup, nails, shaving, tanning, costume, cover up , food, zils, veil just to mane a few. For those in Cheyenne, the hafla is Sat night (3/21) at 7 pm. For the rest, you will have to wait for the pictures!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is winter done yet?

Okay- the signs of spring are everywhere - weather is warmer (in the 60's last week), trees are budding, and even a few bulbs are popping up. Then snow. Not enough to have a snow day (which I would absolutely love to have). Just enough to make driving slippery. Is winter done yet? Not much else to report, busy with the office as usual, trying to get my fellowship done. And bellydancing. Got a big hafla coming up on March 21st! I will let you know how it goes!